Valori sub presiune
(Values under pressure)

The project was developed as a quick reaction to Covid-19 pandemic, and it was implemented during the Spring 2020 lockdown.

It was designed as a brief websurvey that used several items from European Values Study / World Values Survey.

The team of researchers that contributed to its development

Scrolling down on this page, one finds out the initial call for filling in the questionnaire.

A first paper was published in European Societies: Voicu, B., Bartolome Peral, E., Rusu, H., Rosta, G., Comşa, M., Vasile, O. M., ... & Tufis, C. (2021). COVID-19 and orientations towards solidarity: the cases of Spain, Hungary, and Romania. European Societies, 23(sup1), S887-S904.

Various presentations followed, including two that are available on Youtube:

Un grup de cercetători din România, Spania, Ungaria, Lituania și Germania propune un sondaj despre cum gândesc oamenii. Întrebările sunt identice cu o parte din cele incluse în sondajele valorilor din 2017-2018 și permit evaluarea schimbării sub impactul crizei mondiale curente cauzate de Covid19 (Corona-virus).

Vă rugăm să completați chestionarul (15 minute), în limba preferată (selectați mai jos) și să distribuiți anunțul către rețeaua dvs. de prieteni.

Vă mulțumim anticipat!

A group of researchers from Romania, Spain, Hungary, Lithuania, and Germany carries out a survey about how people think. The questions are identical to part of those included in values surveys collected in 2017-2018, and allow assessing how people change under the impact of global crisis caused by Covid19 (Coronavirus).

Please, fill in the survey (15 minutes), in the language that suits you, and distribute the announcement towards your fiends.

Thank you in advance!

Sondajul este sprijinit de RQSA și ICCV.